Showing posts with label work-family balance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work-family balance. Show all posts

Friday, November 20, 2015

Week-End: Work Smart

They say you can do anything if you just work hard. Well, they’re wrong.
Here are seven tips to help you work more efficiently and more productively without expending any additional effort—here’s how to work smarter, not harder:

  • Walk away - Breaks can actually make you more productive.
  •  Recognize and eliminate distractions.
  • Ignore low-priority items.
  • Create routine habits.
  • Work in chunks.
  • “Multitask” - Try to fill the empty spaces with productive work.
  • Work around your strengths and weaknesses.

By: Larry Alton

Friday, November 13, 2015

Week-End: Work-Life Balance

Achieving an optimal work life balance is something every professional look up to and auditors are no different. It is important for improving productivity, building and maintaining strong relationships and stress management for a lasting life.

Here are few tips from some of the busy executives about achieving work life balance. Enjoy these tips for a better work life balance.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Week End: Work-Life Balance

How many times our colleagues and bosses told us that we, auditors need to maintain work-life balance? Looks like it become the buzz word meaning not much. But now I know what is the secret! My friendly colleague noticed that I am going to leave late in the evening last Friday supplied me with masterpiece guidance which I am going to share with you. Please take a look at this funny picture :)