I have found in internet one more enthusiast-auditor, s.wardrop. At least, there are not to many people out there writing and popularizing audit and accounting with love and passion ;) That is why it always pleasure to meet comrades :)е,
Link to his blog, pls click.
I liked his post: Audit is fun:
I can hear the cries of derision from here - how sad, must be nuts. But listen up folks, audit is not what it used to be - just columns of endless figures, ticking and bashing, checking invoices; I am sure many out there have already twigged to this, but how often do we say it?
And maybe I am letting the best kept secret of the profession out of the bag - but as I see it, audit is about business, which is about people - customers, suppliers, staff, managers, directors, shareholders, stakeholders, charitable beneficiaries. For those who have a smidgeon of latin, you only have to think about the term "audit" and you know that talking to people and listening to them is as important as sticking your head in a room full of invoices and never coming out.
In what other profession do you have total access to ask whatever questions you like, to learn about how business operates, fails or suceeds, to learn about management, about people.... and about life. And I dont know about you, but I enjoy it!
And since I am here - I am tired of listening to the media and others, including some fairly close to home, bashing auditors and saying how little value we add, and how we are to blame for.... well, just about anything. We are not all "big" firms, we dont all audit BT or Shell or (heaven forbid) banks (not that I am decrying what they do, I wouldn't want the job), but a lot of us work year in and year out auditing smaller clients, charities, family companies and adding value to what they do. Over the past 4 years, we have helped our clients to over £100,000 in actual cash in bank savings - now tell me that audit doesnt add value!
Photo is taken from here: http://www.goodbyecobber.com/?page_id=3
Text from blog: http://www.accountingweb.co.uk/blogs/sw